Yates ~ Masterbrand


  • Yates had a brand problem. Everyone knew and loved Yates' products but the Yates name itself did register with younger gardeners. When people did recall Yates, they'd picture it being used by their grandparents.


  • Strategy: Yates needed a makeover. We needed to reposition Yates as the ultimate gardening buddy, ready to get its hands dirty both indoors and out. Let's face it, in our crazy-busy world, gardening can feel like a full-time job. And for many folks, bringing home a plant feels like adopting a ticking time bomb - tick tock, when will I kill it? From first-time plant owners to seasoned green thumbs, we wanted everyone to think, 'Yates? Oh yeah, they've got this.’ We needed to grow some trust, sprinkle in some fun, and watch Yates blossom into everyone's favourite gardening sidekick.

  • Creative: Gardens aren't just plots of land - they're a personal paradises, big or small. The creative solution set out to show that whether you're tending to a tiny balcony or a vast lawn, your outdoor space is way more than just a garden.

    From a zen retreat to veggie patches, from kids' play areas to BBQ hotspots, your garden isn't just plants and soil - it's your own slice of happiness, no matter the size.