Yates ~ Zero Triple Strike


  • Roundup has the weedkiller market all sewn up, but times are changing. People are starting to think twice about traditional weed solutions and Yates saw an opportunity. Their new, glyphosate-free product was ready to go, but how do you break into a market with such a dominant player?


  • Strategy: We realised the weed killer market was like a forgotten garden tool - only remembered when it’s urgently needed. Consumers were also stuck in their ways, reaching for familiar brands out of habit rather than loyalty. Our task? To plant Yates firmly in people's minds before weeds even dared to sprout.

  • Creative: We kicked things off with a simple battle cry: 'Stop weeds from invading your space!' But how to make it stick? Enter 'McThistle', our cheeky animated weed ringleader. This prickly character was always on the lookout for fresh gardens to conquer, becoming the perfect visual reminder that weeds are perpetually plotting their next move. McThistle brought a face to the faceless enemy, turning the fight against weeds into a playful, ongoing saga that gardeners could rally behind.

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